November 14, 2023 Slide show and talk at Lifetime Learning, Friends of Snow Library, Orleans, MA "The Joy of Looking at Things"
October, 2023 One person exhibition of 150 Covid era watercolors and reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library.
April, 2023 organized 15th Annual Art Exhibition of Brewster Artists at the Brewster Ladies Library and exhibited two reliefs.
February 1 - April 30, 2023 One person exhibition of reliefs and wire sculptures, lecture and taught workshop on relief painting and wire sculpture at Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA
March, 2022 Slide show and talk at Snow Library, Orleans, MA "Seeing is Believing"
2021- 2022 Exhibit and sell relief sculpture and painting at Cross Rip Gallery, Harwichport, MA. April, 2021 Organized 14th Annual Art Exhibition of Brewster Artists at the Brewster Ladies Library and exhibited two nude reliefs. March 1-31, 2020 one person show of reliefs "S-Capes" Eastham Public Library, Eastham, MA
April 30-May 30. 2019 One person show of reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library
March 15 -May 19, 2019 one person show of reliefs at Cahoon Museum of Art, Cotuit, MA
December, 2018-February, 2019 Members group show at Cape Cod Museum of Art
Summer, 2018 Big Bee relief at Cahoon Museum of Art Polinators show, Cotuit, Mass
March, 2018 One person show of reliefs "Women and Children" at Marion Crane Gallery, Snow Library, Orleans, MA
2017-18 Group shows and representation at Cross Rip Gallery, Harwichport, MA
September, 2016 One person show of reliefs and wire sculptures at Brewster Ladies Library
October 3, 2014 thru mid November Show of recent reliefs at Miller White Gallery, 708 Route 134, Dennis, MA 02638
August, 2014 ongoing Show of white reliefs at Wellfleet Jewelry Studio
July, 2014 Show of reliefs at Chocolate Sparrow, Orleans, MA
December, 2013 Group show at Miller White Gallery, 708 Route 134, Dennis, MA 02638
October 20, 2013 Artist reception Sunday 4-6pm at Brewster Ladies Library
October 1-31, 2013 One person show of Dance reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library, 1822 Main Street, Brewster, MA 02631
June 7-28, 2013 One person show of reliefs and sculpture, "Sex - LIFE- Love"at SRD Gallery, 708 Route 124, Dennis, MA 02638
February 15, 2013 Artist reception at CCMuseum of Art 5:30-7:30
January 18- Group show of life drawings at Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA 02638 March 17, 2013
December, 2012 Group show on theme of PEACE at SRD Gallery, 708 Route 124, Dennis, MA 02638, opening Saturday, December 1, 5-8 pm
December 1 &2 Barn studio exhibition as part of Brewster Art stroll 10 to 5 each day, exhibitions at 11 and 2 2012
November, 2012 Perry family group show at SRD Gallery
June, 2012 One person show of 90 reliefs and sculptures at SRD Gallery
May, 2011 1st Place, mixed media, for relief in “All Cape Cod” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
April-May, 2011 Exhibition of white reliefs at Hot Chocolate Sparrow, Orleans, MA
July, 2010 One person exhibit of mostly colored (intaglio) reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library, Brewster, MA
January, 2010 1st Place, mixed media for relief in “Love and Romance” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
October, 2009 1st Place, mixed media for relief in “Thru the Eyes of the Artist” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
September, 2008 2nd Place, mixed media for relief in “All New England” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
June, 2008 1st Place, sculpture, for relief in “National” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
July - September, 2007 Cape Cod Museum of Art - One person exhibit of white intaglio reliefs and video interview by Liz Hunter; reliefs in museum permanent collection
August, 2007 One person exhibit of reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library, Brewster, MA 2007 Special Juror’s award for relief in “Excitement of Art” exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
2006 Best in Show award for relief in Founder’s exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
2005 Best in Show award for relief in Founder’s exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
2005 Juror’s award of merit, New England exhibit at Cape Cod Art Association, Barnstable, MA
2004 One person exhibit of dance reliefs at Cape Cod Conservatory, Barnstable, MA
2004 One person exhibit of reliefs at Academy of Performing Arts, Orleans, MA
2004 Show of antique tintypes of people at Snow Library, Orleans, MA
2002 One person exhibit of reliefs at Cape Cod Conservatory, Barnstable, MA
2001 One person exhibit of reliefs at Eclipse Gallery, Newbury Street, Boston
2001 Exhibit of photos of 1967-69 Vietnam War demonstrations and Woodstock festival at Cape Rep Theatre for production of 9 Ball
2001 One person exhibit of reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library, Brewster, MA
2001 “Pen and ink” stage set for Wonderful Town, Cape Rep Theatre, Brewster, MA
1999 Life size intaglio reliefs of people for set of the Misanthrope, Cape Rep Theatre, Brewster, MA
1999 One person exhibit of reliefs at Brewster Ladies Library, Brewster, MA
1997 Intaglio reliefs purchased by Boston Museum of Science, for optical illusion exhibition (continuing)
1997 One person exhibitions at C. Duell Arts Gallery, (Fort Point), Eclipse Gallery, Newbury Street, Boston, Clairmont Cafe, Boston
1987 Exhibit of photos of 1967-69 Vietnam War demonstrations and Woodstock festival at First Parish Church, Brewster
1977-78 Group and two person exhibitions of early, positive reliefs at Green Mountain Gallery, Soho, NYC